Center of forestpedagogy and recreationAntonstál
ÚZLP and R Antonstál is located in the mountains BieleKarpaty, district Trenčín, part of the town Nemšová named Ľuborča near the border with the Czech Republic. The original name was The Hunting Castle Antonstál. History of the castle is connected with The Brumovcountry estate, which was located in Moravia and Považie in the 13th century. The country estate has changed owners several times. TheIllešházy established the first organized forestry. Stage of the modern concept of forestry began in 1835, when The Brumov country estate was owned by Juraj Simon Sina. His granddaughter sold the property to one of the richest people in Austro– Hungarian Empire, brewer Anton Dreher. Anton Dreher had a passion for hunting and breeding wild boar and deer. He built several game preserves. In the years 1937 - 1943 his bride EdeltrudKulmerováDreherovábuild the hunting castle Antonstáldesigned by architect Augustine Danielis in Ľuborčagame preserve. In the fifties of the 20th century the whole property was confiscated by the Czechoslovak state and the school for woodcutters was established in castle. At present, the castle belongs to LESY Slovenskejrepublikyš.p. BanskáBystrica, the Forest enterprise Trenčín. It was completely rebuilt in 1997 - 2000. The reconstruction of heating systems was finished in 2014. The castle got new name and the new purpose of using as the center of forest education and recreation.
ÚZLP and R Antonstál is located in the mountains BieleKarpaty, district Trenčín, part of the town Nemšová named Ľuborča near the border with the Czech Republic. The original name was The Hunting Castle Antonstál. History of the castle is connected with The Brumovcountry estate, which was located in Moravia and Považie in the 13th century. The country estate has changed owners several times. TheIllešházy established the first organized forestry. Stage of the modern concept of forestry began in 1835, when The Brumov country estate was owned by Juraj Simon Sina. His granddaughter sold the property to one of the richest people in Austro– Hungarian Empire, brewer Anton Dreher. Anton Dreher had a passion for hunting and breeding wild boar and deer. He built several game preserves. In the years 1937 - 1943 his bride EdeltrudKulmerováDreherovábuild the hunting castle Antonstáldesigned by architect Augustine Danielis in Ľuborčagame preserve. In the fifties of the 20th century the whole property was confiscated by the Czechoslovak state and the school for woodcutters was established in castle. At present, the castle belongs to LESY Slovenskejrepublikyš.p. BanskáBystrica, the Forest enterprise Trenčín. It was completely rebuilt in 1997 - 2000. The reconstruction of heating systems was finished in 2014. The castle got new name and the new purpose of using as the center of forest education and recreation.